Focus Your Mind & Body

Jan 24, 2022 | Inspiration, Stories | 0 comments

Do you struggle with staying focused? You’re not alone. The Harvard Business Review states that executive function, the ability to pay attention, peaks in your early 20s and gradually declines over time. As someone who can never remember where they put their credit card, this is a scary thought.

For years, we’ve been told to eliminate distractions such as bright colors and loud noises. However, sometimes the lack of stimulation makes it even easier for our minds to wander. Thankfully, pop culture is starting to recognize that everyone learns, works, and lives differently. Sitting still, for example, may not work for a neurodivergent person. According to WebMD, neurodivergency refers to the concept that certain developmental disorders are normal variations in the brain. And people who have these features also have certain strengths. Neurodivergency commonly refers to those with ADHD, but can also include people with Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and other learning disabilities. 

A video shared by Sandra Capitelli-Frank shows her son, who has Autism and is non-verbal, using his favorite chair, the Swopper, during therapy and schoolwork. The chair helps him stay focused and improve comprehension while providing necessary sensory input and reducing breakdowns.

Movement can also help individuals who consider themselves to be creative thinkers or impulsive. Instead of relying on fidget spinners, try incorporating whole-body movements into your work routine. Standing up, using an active work stool, or an active platform mat may be helpful.

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